
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to our project.

In response to a very real need within our local community, Calton Parkhead Church signed an agreement with Trussell Trust to operate Glasgow NE Foodbank. In July 2013, we held our first Board meeting with members from the church and the local area.
Three months later the church opened its doors three afternoons per week. By mid 2014 we had organised 3 supermarket collections, received one (huge) collection from a Celtic game, opened 4 new centres, held 5 training sessions for new volunteers and started a part-time coordinator. The coordinator’s post was funded by the Celtic Foundation on a two year basis.

One of our first clients was a man who had lost everything – his business, his house, his family – he did not have enough to feed his two children when they came to his flat at the weekend. At one point he lived for over a week on a can of beans a day and had lost over two stones in weight. He got advice from the CAB adviser and came three times for a 3 days of food. The whole experience was a turning point in restoring his dignity and reviving hope. His is just one of the many human stories behind the headline : over 53.000 meals provided by Glasgow NE Foodbank.

So far, Glasgow NE Foodbanks have been able to successfully provide 3445kgs of food to members of the community in need.

Below is a list of distribution figures for each of our centres:

Blairtummock 3168kg to 540 people

Bridgeton St Frances in the East 2176kg to 332 people

Calton Parkhead Parish Church 19415kg to 3167 people

Riddrie – St Enochs 1524kg to 265 people

Sandyhills Parish Church 2824kg to 491 people

Shettleston Foodbank 4685kg to 736 people

We receive generous support from a variety of donors, including Fleet Alliance, ASDA Parkhead, ASDA Robroyston, churches, offices, schools and individuals.

Fleet Alliance has generously provided us with one of their vans for collections and for use at the food bank. Additionally, we are deeply grateful for the ongoing support from various organizations, who contribute not only through donations but also by facilitating corporate volunteering. Many of these organizations offer their employees the opportunity to spend a day volunteering at the main food bank or assisting with food drives, helping us further our mission and reach those in need.

We also receive support from Parkhead Housing Association who provide payroll services and some operational support, Wincanton who provide the storage container, Calton Parkhead Parish Church provide us with not only storage space but office space, internet access and free utilities. We are also privileged to have the support of the other organisations to run our outreach centres. We are very fortunate to have so many generous and helpful donor and partner organisations.

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